
2025Pinjol, Judol & Michat: An Analysis of the Use of Problematic Applications as Drivers of the Depth and Severity of Poverty in the Digital Era (OR IPSH BRIN)
2025Social Protection for Artists: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and France (La Rochelle University, France)
2024Challenge of the Indonesian National Police in Pursuing Fugitives and Crime Proceeds (Puslitbang Polri)
2024Protecting the Vulnerable: The Role of the Indonesian National Police in Addressing Violence Against Women and Children (Puslitbang POLRI)
2024Integration of Social Assistance Program (BRIN & Ministry of Social Affairs)
2024Building Graduation Model/Approach for Family Hope Program (PKH) (BRIN & Ministry of Social Affairs)
2024Social Protection for Artists: Models and Lessons from France (BRIN & La Rochelle University, France)
2024Social Integration Model and Dynamic in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB): Case Study of West & North Lombok (OR IPSH BRIN)
2024Vulnerability and Resilience of Elderly in Indonesia: Physical, Mental, and Social Dimensions (BRIN)
2023Opportunities and Barriers to Expanding Social Security for Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMWs) (DJSN & GIZ)
2023Producing Income Inequality Estimates for Indonesia Using Distributional National Accounting (DINA) Methods (Research Center for Population BRIN & The World Inequality Lab, Paris)
2023Intolerance, Radicalism, and Terrorism in Indonesia (Puslitbang POLRI)
2023Impact Assessment of Circles Indonesia in Bali (PT. Alam Santi Sustainable Living Design)
2023Study of street crime and acts of thuggery (Puslitbang POLRI)
2023A Cultural Roadmap for Papua (Dit. KMA Kemendikbud)
2023Poverty, Inequality, and Social Protection Research Group (BRIN)
2023Labor Condition in Indonesia – Cont. (BP Jamsostek & BRIN)
2022Brand Equity BP Jamsostek & Labor Condition in Indonesia (BP Jamsostek & BRIN)
2022Local Wisdom-Based Learning Model (Dit. KMA, Kemendikbud)
2022COVID-19, Vulnerable Groups and Indonesia Social Assistance Program (The European Union, Co-Evolve, and Penabulu Foundation)
2022Green Economy and Social Demographic of Indonesian Population: Case Study of Gorontalo Province (BPS & BRIN)
2022Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Rural Indonesia: Case Study of Ten Villages (INFID & Kalyanamitra)
2022Unemployment Insurance in Indonesia: Implementation, Effectiveness, and Room for Improvement (Research Center for Population – BRIN)
2022INFID member survey (INFID)
2022Business and Human Rights in Aquaculture (INFID & Oxfam)
2021Rapid Study on The Effectiveness of Social Security Implementation for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) and their Families and its Impact during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Research Assistant, GIZ & DJSN)
2021Mitigation and Adaptation of Indigenous Peoples (IPs) Against COVID-19 in Indonesia (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology)
2021Research trends on intolerance and discrimination in Indonesia (INFID – NED)
2021CARICO Project – LIPI & UNU-EHS
2021Fairness Project – MU DASS
2021Gender Inequality & ICT – INFID, BRIN, LPDP
2021The 1st National Meeting of the Basic Income Society
2020Risk Privatization: The Urgency of Health Reform in Indonesia (INFID)
2020When Walmart leaves small towns: vulnerability, food insecurity, and community sustainability (Dissertation)
2020Dynamic risk perception and behavior in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2020Working Paper Universal Basic Income (The Prakarsa)
2019Rural Mental Health Network, Innovative Solutions (RCCCP)
2019A Bibliometric analysis of environmental and resources sociology 
2018Mapping and exploring social network and organizational leadership
2017Indonesian Basic Income Guarantee Network (IndoBIG Network)
2016National Conference of Appropriate Technology (KSNTTG – LIPI)
2015Coordinator of The Economic Empowerment Based on Beef Cattle Agribusiness for The Post-Migrant Workers Community in Compreng District, Subang, West Java (LIPI)
2015Project member – Regional Innovation System (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education)
2012Social Exchange In Rural Communities: Case Study of “Gantangan” Commercialization In The Three Poor Villages in Subang West Java (Master Thesis)
2010The Utilization of Micro Hydro Power for Community Economic-Development in Palakka, Maiwa District, South Sulawesi (LIPI)
2010Coordinator of the Diffusion and Adoption of Appropriate Technology Implementation in Subang West Java (LIPI)
2009Community Development Based on Appropriate Technology Implementation Research in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara (LIPI)
2009Community Development Based on Appropriate Technology Implementation Research in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (LIPI)